Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Police State - Just Passed Into Law

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Over the last several years, (post 9/11), the move toward a Police State in The United States of America, and eventually the entirety of North America has been moving ahead full bore.
I wrote about the coming North American Union yesterday. Today, I'm going to point you toward a lengthy article that shows proof of a coming Police State in America.

As I've written about in the past, there is more and more proof showing up about this. The United states ARE slowly but surely becoming a Police State. There are many FEMA CAMPS, (you'll know them as 'detention camps' learned about in your History classes).

If you are wondering what the United States and/or the rest of North America will look like in the next 20 or so years.... Think Germany, 1942. Enough Said.
This isn't about turban wearing men, living in caves.  This is about AMERICANS.  Living in AMERICA!!

Proof Of FEMA Camps

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Border Info-Sharing. Another Step To NAU?

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Later this week, President Barack Obama, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper will be signing into law a new Tracking System.

Its bad enough you cannot cross the Canada/U.S. Border without a passport... but now even MORE information will be shared. Not only will our security be breached on both sides.... Our border is getting slowly erased.

Watch this video. Hear the end of it, you will hear the term NORTH AMERICAN PRODUCT.

Border info-sharing plan triggers privacy concerns

I've been saying for many years that very likely in your lifetime, you will see the full implementation of the North American Union.
If you just sit back and pay attention, there are many signs that are pointing to it. You just need to pay attention.

Declining Currency & The N.A.U. - writtenNov. 12th, 2010

Obama & ArniewrittenNov. 26th, 2010

The Keystone/NAFTA HighwaywrittenOct. 2nd, 2011

If you take the time to do a bit of research yourself, you'll find many other websites, blogs, newspaper articles, and the like, on this subject.
The next thing you know, we'll all be living in the North American Union, and needing to bail out our 'nation states', just like the European Union is.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Egyptians Are Becoming Unstoppable (Warning: Graphic Pictures)

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Over the last eleven months, a lot of things have happened in the Middle East. The most publicized is the 'revolution' that occurred in Egypt. The least few weeks it seems to have been happening again. It seems the 'liberating army' of Egypt doesn't want to give up the power that 'The People' so willingly gave them.
Tahrir Square

I'm still kind of sitting on the fence with this whole 'Arab Spring'. By that I mean; I'm still not 100% convinced that this particular uprising in Egypt is being controlled by the CIA, and/or the Powers That Be.

I'm not sure if I'm surprised that footage like this isn't being covered by the mainstream media.
One Man vs Riot Police
That previous sentence is one of the major reasons I'm supporting the idea that this second round of riots in Egypt are also being controlled and choreographed. I say that because of a few simple facts:

° We all are aware of the second uprising in Egypt.
° We are being told that the Military are controlling the country.
° We told there is violence, and now many deaths.
° We haven't seen pictures, or videos showing the violence and deaths.

Throwing Tear Gas
Why aren't we seeing these images?
Is it because these protests are genuine? So that we in the West don't see whats going on, and attempt to support the Egyptians? To keep our minds numb of other actions around the world?

Regardless of how you look at this, The Powers That Be are fully enveloped in this. They are either limiting access to what's REALLY occurring, or are the cause of said protests/riots.

Look at these pictures, and the video clip. You can see for yourself that what you hear in the mainstream news is dripping with Illuminati, and Elite power.
The 'Arab Spring' is just another stepping stone towards a One World Government, and the New World Order.

M*A*S*H* Unit?

The police changed the substance they're using in their tear gas, and used a 500 times more toxic component that does much more than tears:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Iran: Willing to use oil as a political tool

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I'm not shocked.... Are you?   It seems to me that Iran is the ONLY country that doesn't hold their cards so close to their chest.  The Iranian Government clearly knows that they hold the power in the Middle East.  The hold the key to a New World Order.  As does Syria, but not as much.
There is little doubt that America will invade, and attempt to conquer Iran.....  As I've said in previous posts; "If you control a countries oil supply, you control that country."  
But, America won't tell you that they're going into Iran for oil....  They want you to believe they're going in to remove a nuclear threat, (remember the WMD in Iraq?).  
That's right, the Powers That Be continue to lie to you through their mass media, and you continue to buy it.  

There is a silver lining though....  It seems that more and more people world-wide are beginning to see the truth behind these lies.  The trouble is however, no one is really doing anything about it.  

Iran: Willing to use oil as a political tool - Features - Al Jazeera English

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Conquering The Middle East (PROOF)

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I know I wrote about this before, but just in case you missed it, here it is again. Here is undeniable truth that the Powers That Be are trying to take over the Middle East. Causing uprisings, and overthrowing governments.
It's all leading to the New World Order, or just making sure the New World Order stays. I've suggested, and offered proof that it's already here.

Now, without further ado, here is your proof:

As you can see, as far back as 2001, the American government, along with help from no doubt NATO and The United Nations, have been plotting to invade, and conquer SEVEN Middle Eastern countries.
I don't really know what more proof you need than this. But, if you do, feel free to check out some of my older posts on the subject of New World Order, and a One World Government.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: We don't have the control we think we have. We never really had control. We've been brainwashed to accept the status quo.
I HIGHLY suggest you keep reading my blog, (and share it with others), and others on the topic of the New World Order, and make up your own mind.
The Illuminati controlled Mainstream Media has been lying to you since Day one. What they tell you, and what your 'elected' officials tell you is generally a lie.

You should start thinking for yourself. Question authority. Question what you see on Television. Question most, (but not all) the things you hear on the radio, and read in the newspapers. The only real truth comes from many online resources.
Get the truth while you still can. It's only a matter of time before the Internet is controlled and regulated by the Elite!
Good luck to you on your quest for knowledge, and truth.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What Is A ChemTrail??

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Lately I've been noticing more and more ChemTrails. It almost seems like a daily occurrence here in Southern Ontario, on the shores of The Great Lakes.
Not that it matters, I do live just a short drive from one of the largest military bases in Canada. Or maybe it's because I'm so close to such wide, open water?

For those of you who don't know what a ChemTrail is, or what the difference is from that, or a Con Trail, let me explain.


Short for ("condensation trails") or vapour trails are artificial clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets or, if the air is cold enough, tiny ice crystals.[1]
The wingtip vortices which trail from the wingtips and wing flaps of aircraft are sometimes partly visible due to condensation in the cores of the vortices. Each vortex is a mass of spinning air and the air pressure at the centre of the vortex is very low. These wingtip vortices are not the same as contrails.
Contrails tend to last longer if there is higher moisture in the atmosphere and associated higher level clouds such as cirrus, cirrostratus and cirrocumulus already present before the plane flies through.


The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed athigh altitudesfor purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials.[1]
As a result of the popularity of the conspiracy theory, official agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation. [1][2] The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by government agencies and scientists around the world, who say the trails are normal contrails . [3] The United States Air Force maintains that the theory is a hoax which "has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications". [4] The United Kingdom's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has stated that chemtrails are not scientifically recognized phenomena. [5] The Canadian Leader of the Government in the House of Commons has rejected the idea of chemtrails as being a "popularized expression", adding that "there is no scientific evidence to support their existence." [6]
The term chemtrail is derived from "chemical trail", in the similar fashion that contrail is a portmanteau of condensation trail . It does not refer to other forms of aerial spraying such as crop dusting , cloud seeding , skywriting , or aerial firefighting . [7] The term specifically refers to aerial trails allegedly caused by the systematic high-altitude release of chemical substances not found in ordinary contrails, resulting in the appearance of characteristic sky tracks. Supporters of this conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for solar radiation management , population control , [1] weather control , [2] or biological warfare / chemical warfare and claim that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems. [8][9]

As you can see, even Wikipedia has tried to debunk all possibly theories about ChemTrails. However, if you do a little bit of research yourself, you'll find that even MORE creditable individuals will tell you that ChemTrails do exist, and do alter weather, radar, and cause illness.
If you look at an older post I wrote about ChemTrails, and the various theories behind them, and the predictive programming, for the general public to accept them. You can read that article here: CHEMTRAIL CONDITIONING.

You can also learn all you will ever want to know about ChemTrails in the movie WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? I included it into a blog post about a year ago.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Police State Is HERE!

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Peaceful Protesting In America
This is what happens in The United States of America when you are a PEACEFUL protester!
Many people may call this a CONSPIRACY..... But I find it pretty difficult to dispute video proof.
This is a peaceful protest at University of California at Davis. You can see that these protesters are sitting peacefully, (could possibly have their hands zip tied).

This is what a POLICE STATE looks like.  In my opinion, it's been here for a number of years already.  It's just recently it's been rearing it's ugly head.  
You've also noticed it in your neighbourhood....  It may not have seemed like anything at the time.... But looking back, it's plain to see.  Maybe not as violent as what you just saw in this video, but certainly unwarranted questions, and actions by public officials.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Peak Oil (it's only a theory.... and a bad one at that)

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The theory behind 'PEAK OIL' is difficult for some to grasp. We're all aware of what Peak Oil is. For those few who have only heard the term in the news, or are hearing it for the first time, here is the definition:

Peak oil is the point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline. This concept is based on the observed production rates of individual oil wells, projected reserves and the combined production rate of a field of related oil wells. The aggregate production rate from an oil field over time usually grows exponentially until the rate peaks and then declines—sometimes rapidly—until the field is depleted. This concept is derived from the Hubbert curve , and has been shown to be applicable to the sum of a nation’s domestic production rate, and is similarly applied to the global rate of petroleum production. Peak oil is often confused with oil depletion ; peak oil is the point of maximum production while depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply.

That's a pretty scary definition, isn't it?
So, what is oil? The accepted explanation is that it is a 'FOSSIL FUEL'. So, what is a Fossil Fuel?

Fossil fuelsarefuelsformed by natural processes such asanaerobic decompositionof buried deadorganisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years.[1]The fossil fuels, which contain high percentages ofcarbon, includecoal,petroleum, andnatural gas. Fossil fuels range fromvolatile materialswith lowcarbon:hydrogenratios likemethane, to liquidpetroleumto nonvolatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, likeanthracitecoal. Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields, alone, associated with oil, or in the form ofmethane clathrates. It is generally accepted that they formed from the fossilizedremainsof dead plants[2]by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over millions of years.[3]Thisbiogenic theorywas first introduced byGeorg Agricolain 1556 and later byMikhail Lomonosovin the 18th century.

And, there is yet another explanation for the source of all our precious petroleum, 'ABIOGENIC FUEL'.

The abiogenic hypothesis argues that petroleum was formed from deep carbon deposits, perhaps dating to the formation of the Earth . Supporters of the abiogenic hypothesis suggest that a great deal more petroleum exists on Earth than commonly thought, and that petroleum may originate from carbon-bearing fluids that migrate upward from the mantle . The presence of methane on Saturn's moon Titan and in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune is cited [1] as evidence of the formation of hydrocarbons without biology. [2]

So, which theory is the truth? Since I'm no scientist, I'm only guessing. I would like to argue that the ABIOGENIC FUEL theory is the most likely of cases. I'll explain why I feel this way:
In most, (but not all) Peak Oil models, the world reached it's peak oil limit in the mid 1970's. That would mean that sometime during the disco era, the oil fields around the world began to decline.
However, some other Peak Oil models show that we reached a global limit sometime in 2004, (I suppose they had to recalculate since we didn't run out of oil).
Other models still, show that we will reach Peak Oil sometime around 2020-ish.

Let's look at what oil is in:
  • There is an estimated 806 MILLION cars, and light trucks in the world. So, there are at least a few quarts of oil in each of those, not to mention the gasoline/diesel used to run said vehicle.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Plastics.
  • Paint.
  • Food additives.
  • Detergent.
  • Photographic films
  • Candles
  • Dyes
  • Medicines

That's not even a complete list. But, lets assume just for a minute that is a complete list of everything Oil is in or used for; That's a shit load of oil. If oil truly is a FOSSIL FUEL, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that there weren't THAT many dinosaurs, and plants, and things of that nature to produce the amount of oil we, as a planet has used for the better part of a century. Assuming the Peak Oil theory is correct, and we reach that pinnacle in the mid '70s, wouldn't it be safe to assume we'd have run out of oil by now? Hell, there's only 7 billion people on the planet. 806 MILLION vehicles. Just about everyone in the developed world AND developing world has something made of plastic, rubber, or owns a photograph. By that standard, we would have run out of oil sometime in the 1990's.

Now let us assume that the abiogenic theory is correct. That would mean that we're being fleeced at the gas pumps. That we're being fleeced for the price of oil. Why? Because the Powers That Be know what's going on. Create panic, then create a solution. If you can control a nations oil supply, you control that nation.

At this point it's not about money, or greed; it's about POWER. It doesn't matter how good the mileage is on your car. You still pay $5.00 for a gallon of gas.
Now, on to delivering the predetermined solution to the problem THEY have caused.... High mileage on a tank of gas. Hybrid vehicles. Electric vehicles, (let's not forget, todays electric vehicles are no better than the ones created nearly a century ago).
You go out, and buy your over-priced hybrid, or electric car. Sometimes paying as much as 50% more than it's gas-powered counterpart.
Now you're broke. You can't afford the over-priced car you just bought. You just got laid off from your 6 figure-income job. You're begging for a solution to your problem. So, you take what little money you have left, and go back to school, (that's 100% controlled by corporations, and the Powers That Be). You become even more brainwashed, and controlled, (see Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four').

Just think: All this because the mainstream media, and junk scientists have convinced you the world is running out of oil. Re-read the last few paragraphs. I bet I just described you, or someone you know. So, which theory seems more plausible to you now?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

OWS Disinformation!

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I found this video on YouTube.  It seems The Powers That Be have started the disinformation about Occupy Wall Street.  It's a shame.  
Give this a look.  Not too bias at all, 'eh?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


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Certainly something worth watching!!
Definitely worth 2:08:40 of your life.

Strange But True.....

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This is a very good read. It's quite interesting.
Each one of the 11 FACTS that are listed, are also linked to 2 or 3 other sources to back up the claims.
It's no surprise we haven't learned about this in the mainstream media. I expect we won't be hearing about this anytime soon, either.

“OWS, Go Home!!”

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Last night, at around 1:30 AM, New York City police moved in, and 'evicted' the protesters, (squatters) of Zuccotti Park. I can't say I didn't see this coming. There is NO way anyone, (Powers That Be) would allow a revolution on their watch. 

I'll be the very first to say that THEY, (PTB), were 100% behind this pseudo-revolution. The reason they 'caused' this "OCCUPY WALL STREET" movement is quite simple: So we, the sheeple will think we can actually affect change. With the shutdown of Zuccotti Park, Victoria BC, and soon Toronto, it will become even more clear that we can do NOTHING to make change.

Yes, I've been saying that for quite some time. We cannot change a damned thing. We cannot protest, (like that will ever change anything anyway)… We can vote, but that's the biggest fraud out there.

The only way we can create change is by removing the REAL people that handle the puppet strings: George Soros, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Pope Benedict XVI, etc…. There are too many to name, and too many to be aware of. THOSE are the people that must be removed to cause change.

We all know that the mass media, and governments of the world lie to us. This isn't about money. This is about power, and control. If we want change, we must FORCE THEIR HAND! Make the change. Peaceful occupation does nothing. The only reason it 'worked' in the Middle East is because the Powers That Be allowed it to. If we want to remove the Tyrants who control out lives, our elected officials, our money, our world… We MUST fight fire with fire!

That certainly sounds like a GREAT way to start 2012, doesn't it?

Pass this link along to your friends, your family, or elected officials! Get the word out! Start a REAL revolution.

Occupy Toronto Protesters given Eviction notices!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

I Have A Question!!

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OK folks, I have a question: Why is it OK for countries like America and Israel to have atomic energy, (and/or atomic bombs), but not an Arabic nation like Iran, (who hasn't attacked another country in more than 100 years)?
Feel free to answer in the COMMENTS section.

Remembrance Day

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With today being November 11 th, I almost feel obligated to voice my opinion on this.

Throughout the last century, there has been countless wars: World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2, Afghanistan, and several others.
With this post, I'm not trying to take away the memories of our brothers, sisters, friends and children who fought in those wars. The ones who returned home, and the ones that didn't.
This is a day when we remember the people we lost serving in those wars.

On our mainstream media, most of us are remembering those who fought in World War 2. That's going to be the main focus of this posting.
I understand that most of you realize that history is written by 'the winner'. The one who reigns glorious on the battlefield. So, I'll assume that most history books are not entirely accurate. However, to play 'Devil's Advocate', I'll assume that what I was taught in school and in books, is 100% accurate.
One thing we can be certain about is this: History repeats itself.

Adolph Hitler was a nut. I'll agree with that, to a point. Yes, he lead a nation to slaughter millions of people simply because he didn't like their religion, sexual orientation, etc.... Lets also not forget what he accomplished: He took a nation of extreme poverty, and depression, and in a few years, to almost taking over the world. Regardless of your views or beliefs about the guy, that takes leadership, and will.

Apart from the attack on Pearl Harbour, North America as a landmass faced NO threat from the Hitler-lead coalition. So why fight another mans war?

"Death To The Lie"
Now, go grab your old high school History textbooks. See if you can find photocopies, or pictures of Nazi propaganda fliers, etc.
Now, change the word 'JEW' to 'Muslim' or 'Arab'. It kind of sounds like the hate filled speech you're hearing nowadays, doesn't it?
""The Jew Warmongers War Extenders"
So, next time you are watching the Television news, or reading a newspaper.... And they are talking about all the evils being done by the Muslim Extremists, and those 'Crazy' Arabs'.... Change those titles to 'Jews'..... And think 'Nazi Germany, 1942'.
Almost Sound Like Nazi Germany...?

I know personally several Canadian Soldiers who have served in Afghanistan. I know that many of the friends and comrades have been killed during their tours in Afghanistan. My question is: Why the Hell are we there? Are The Taliban, (funded by the United States) threatening our shores or borders? Why not just let them destroy their own country, and leave a few thousand acres of land free for colonization, for our over-populated planet?
Now I know you're thinking, “What about Al Qaeda? They attacked America!!”..... Don't get me started on that. Just read: Al Qaeda Is Fake.

I also beg of you to view my two most recent posts. They are videos that were sent to me by a friend.