Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

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Almost everyone is aware of the celebrating, (binge drinking) that occurs ever St. Patrick's Day.  God knows, I'm no stranger of it.
However, this past St. Patrick's day, something happened in the already relatively trashy city of London Ontario.

We've all seen the pictures, and video footage on the TV news.  We've seen the burning CTV News van.

Watching this video, (it almost seems like it's on REPEAT on television), reminds me of the staged Stanley Cup Riots in Vancouver last Spring.

Notice the 'abandoned' Vancouver Police Cruiser?  It just happened to be in the middle of the street, just like a sitting duck.

You also remember the summer previous to the Vancouver riots?  The G8/G20 riots in Toronto

As you can see in the video below, it seems to be common practice for Police to put plain clothed officers INTO the protests to act as 'Agent Provocateurs'. 
I can probably safely assume the same practice occurred in London, Ontario, this past St. Patrick's Day.  Along with yet another 'abandoned' vehicle.  This time a CTV News van.

Tactics like this are commonly used by Police.  This way they can use these 'riots' as an excuse to infringe on our personal freedoms, even more.
 To place surveillance cameras in every streetlight.  To place surveillance microphones along our streets.  To better monitor 'we the people'.

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